Member Benefits
In addition to participation in TAGD meetings, membership offers numerous other advantages. District and Associate Members receive regular updates on Legislative matters and tracking reports, meeting information, news, and other groundwater updates. Voting District Members are invited to participate on TAGD Committees, where individuals can have input on state-wide matters ranging from outreach and education to policy positions. Associate members receive a spot on TAGD’s website and gain access to a network of groundwater conservation districts all across the state. All members may take advantage of TAGD’s information resources.
District Membership
District membership is limited to Groundwater Conservation Districts and political subdivisions with specific legal authority related to the management of groundwater as described in Chapters 35 and 36 of the Texas Water Code. In order to apply for district membership, a district must complete and submit a district membership application form and a copy of its enabling legislation. Upon approval by TAGD’s Executive Committee, the district is a voting member of TAGD. TAGD offers a one-year complimentary membership to new districts beginning on the date of approval of the application for membership.
Associate Membership
Associate membership is open to any person or entity supportive of TAGD and its goals that completes and submits an associate membership application form. After review and approval by TAGD’s Executive Committee, associate members may participate in and make presentations at membership meetings, but may not vote on TAGD business.
Membership Dues
Effective October 1, 2024, annual TAGD membership dues have been set by the membership as follows:
First year membership fees for new members will be prorated on a quarterly basis based on date of billing, following submission of a completed application form.