[This is a work in progress! If you would like to contribute information that is missing, please email Julia Stanford. Once the list is completed, it will be reformatted to serve as a reference for TAGD members.]
Year(s) | Role | Name | District |
2021-2023 | President | Amber Blount | Sandy Land UWCD |
2021-2023 | Vice President | Drew Satterwhite | Red River GCD and North Texas GCD |
2021-2023 | Treasurer | David Bailey | Mid East Texas GCD |
2021-2023 | Secretary | Bobby Bazan | Post Oak Savannah GCD |
2021-2023 | Parliamentarian | Andy Garza | Kenedy County GCD |
2021-2023 | Past President | Zach Holland | Bluebonnet GCD |
2021-2023 | Far West Texas TAGD Area Representative | Janet Adams | Jeff Davis County UWCD |
2021-2023 | Lower Edwards Trinity TAGD Area Representative | Ron Fieseler | Blanco-Pedernales GCD |
2021-2023 | Upper Edwards Trinity TAGD Area | Diana Thomas |
Sterling County UWCD and Irion County UWCD
2021-2023 | Edwards Carrizo TAGD Area Representative | Kelley Vickers | Guadalupe County GCD |
2019-2021 | President | Zach Holland | Bluebonnet GCD |
2019-2021 | Vice President | Amber Blount | Sandy Land UWCD |
2019-2021 | Treasurer | David Bailey | Mid East Texas GCD |
2019-2021 | Secretary | Greg Sengelmann | Gonzales County UWCD |
2019-2021 | Parliamentarian | Andy Garza | Kenedy County GCD |
2019-2021 | Past President | Dirk Aaron | Clearwater UWCD |
2019-2021 | Far West Texas TAGD Area Representative | Janet Adams | Jeff Davis County UWCD |
2019-2021 | Lower Edwards Trinity TAGD Area Representative | Ron Fieseler | Blanco-Pedernales GCD |
2019-2021 | Upper Edwards Trinity TAGD Area | Diana Thomas |
Sterling County UWCD and Irion County UWCD
2017-2019 | President | Dirk Aaron | Clearwater UWCD |
2017-2019 | Vice President | Amber Blount | Sandy Land UWCD |
2017-2019 | Treasurer | Zach Holland | Bluebonnet GCD |
2017-2019 | Secretary | Greg Sengelmann | Gonzales County UWCD |
2017-2019 | Parliamentarian | Jim Polonis | Sutton County UWCD |
2017-2019 | Past President | Joe B. Cooper | Middle Trinity GCD |
2017-2019 | Far West Texas TAGD Area Representative | Janet Adams | Jeff Davis County UWCD |
2017-2019 | Lower Edwards Trinity TAGD Area Representative | Ron Fieseler | Blanco-Pedernales GCD |
2017-2019 | Lower Gulf Coast TAGD Area Representative | Lonnie Stewart | Live Oak UWCD |
2017-2019 | Upper Carrizo TAGD Area Representative | Leah Adams | Panola County GCD |
2015-2017 | President | Joe B. Cooper | Middle Trinity GCD |
2015-2017 | Vice President | Dirk Aaron | Clearwater UWCD |
2015-2017 | Treasurer | Zach Holland | Bluebonnet GCD |
2015-2017 | Secretary | Leah Adams | Panola County GCD |
2015-2017 | Parliamentarian | Kody Bessent | High Plains UWCD |
2015-2017 | Past President | Kathy Turner Jones | Lone Star GCD |
2015-2017 | |||
2015-2017 | |||
2015-2017 | |||
2015-2017 | |||
2013-2015 | President | Kathy Turner Jones | Lone Star GCD |
2013-2015 | Vice President | Bob Patterson / Dirk Aaron | |
2013-2015 | Treasurer | Steve Walthour | North Plains GCD |
2013-2015 | Secretary | Leah Adams | Panola County GCD |
2013-2015 | Parliamentarian | Zach Holland | Bluebonnet GCD |
2013-2015 | Edwards Carrizo TAGD Area Representative | Greg Sengelmann | Gonzales County UWCD |
2013-2015 | Past President | Janet Adams | Jeff Davis County UWCD |
2013-2015 | Lower Edwards Trinity TAGD Area Representative | Ron Fieseler | Blanco-Pedernales GCD |
2013-2015 | Lower Gulf Coast TAGD Area Representative | Tim Andruss | Victoria County GCD |
2013-2015 | Upper Edwards Trinity TAGD Area Representative | Jim Polonis | Sutton County UWCD |
2011-2013 | President | ||
2011-2013 | Vice President | David Van Dresar | Fayette County GCD |
2011-2013 | Treasurer | Steve Walthour | North Plains GCD |
2011-2013 | Secretary | Kirk Holland |
Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District
2011-2013 | Parliamentarian | Cindy Weatherby | Santa Rita UWCD |
2011-2013 | North Texas TAGD Area Representative | Jim Conkwright | High Plains UWCD |
2011-2013 | Far West Texas TAGD Area Representative | Janet Adams | Jeff Davis County UWCD |
2011-2013 | |||
2011-2013 | |||
2011-2013 | |||
2009-2011 | President | Jim Conkwright | High Plains UWCD |
2009-2011 | Vice President | ||
2009-2011 | Treasurer | ||
2009-2011 | Secretary | ||
2009-2011 | Parliamentarian | ||
2009-2011 | |||
2009-2011 | |||
2009-2011 | |||
2009-2011 | |||
2009-2011 | |||
2007-2009 | President | Janet Adams | Jeff Davis County UWCD |
2007-2009 | Vice President | ||
2007-2009 | Treasurer | ||
2007-2009 | Secretary | ||
2007-2009 | Parliamentarian | ||
2007-2009 | |||
2007-2009 | |||
2007-2009 | |||
2007-2009 | |||
2007-2009 | |||
2005-2007 | President | Gary Westbrook | Post Oak Savannah GCD |
2005-2007 | Vice President | ||
2005-2007 | Treasurer | ||
2005-2007 | Secretary | ||
2005-2007 | Parliamentarian | ||
2005-2007 | |||
2005-2007 | |||
2005-2007 | |||
2005-2007 | |||
2005-2007 | |||
2003-2005 | President | ||
2003-2005 | Vice President | ||
2003-2005 | Treasurer | ||
2003-2005 | Secretary | ||
2003-2005 | Parliamentarian | ||
2003-2005 | |||
2003-2005 | |||
2003-2005 | |||
2003-2005 | |||
2003-2005 | |||
2002-2003 | President | Harvey Everheart | Mesa UWCD |
2002-2003 | Vice President | Jace Houston | Harris-Galveston Subsidence District |
2002-2003 | Treasurer | Cindy Cawley |
Plateau UWC&SD and Sutton County UWCD
2002-2003 | Secretary | Janet Adams | Jeff Davis County UWCD |
2002-2003 | Parliamentarian | Lonnie Stewart | Live Oak UWCD and Bee GCD |
2000-2001 | President | Mike Mahoney | Evergreen UWCD |
2000-2001 | Vice President | Harvey Everheart | Mesa UWCD |
2000-2001 | Treasurer | Cindy Cawley | Plateau UWC&SD |
2000-2001 | Secretary | Kathy Turner Jones | Sandy Land UWCD |
2000-2001 | Parliamentarian | Stovy Bowlin |
Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District
1999 | President | Scott Holland | Irion County UWCD |
1999 | Vice President | Mike Mahoney | Evergreen UWCD |
1999 | Treasurer | Kathy Turner Jones | Sandy Land UWCD |
1999 | Secretary | Lee Arrington | South Plains UWCD |
1999 | Parliamentarian | Cameron Cornett | Springhills UWCD |
1996-1998 | President | C.E. Williams | Panhandle GCD #3 |
1996-1998 | Vice President | Scott Holland | Irion County UWCD |
1996-1998 | Treasurer | Paul Tybor | Hill Country UWCD |
1996-1998 | Secretary | Lee Arrington | South Plains UWCD |
1996-1998 | Parliamentarian | Harvey Everheart | Mesa UWCD |
1994-1996 | President | Allan Lange | Lipan-Kickapoo WCD |
1994-1996 | Vice President | C.E. Williams | Panhandle GCD |
1994-1996 | Treasurer | Gerry Robertson | Sterling County UWCD |
1994-1996 | Secretary | Lee Arrington | South Plains UWCD |
1994-1996 | Parliamentarian | Jim Hester | Evergreen UWCD |
1992-1994 | President | Bill Couch |
Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District
1992-1994 | Vice President | Gary Walker | Sandy Land UWCD |
1992-1994 | Secretary/Treasurer | Allan Lange | Lipan-Kickapoo WCD |
1992-1994 | Parliamentarian | Ray Buck | Springhills UWCD |
1991-1992 | President | Mark Hoelscher | Permian Basin UWCD |
1991-1992 | Vice President | Bill Couch |
Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District
1991-1992 | Secretary/Treasurer | Gary Walker | Sandy Land UWCD |
1991-1992 | Parliamentarian | Paul Tybor | Hill Country UWCD |
1990-1991 | President | Mark Hoelscher | Permian Basin UWCD |
1990-1991 | Vice President | Bill Couch |
Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District
1990-1991 | Secretary/Treasurer | Rebecca Raabe | Evergreen UWCD |
1990-1991 | Parliamentarian | Paul Tybor | Hill Country UWCD |
1989-1990 | President | Richard Bowers | North Plains GCD #2 |
1989-1990 | Vice President | Mark Hoelscher | Permian Basin UWCD |
1989-1990 | Treasurer | Gary Walker | Panhandle GCD #3 |
1989-1990 | Secretary | Becca Williams | High Plains UWCD |
1989-1990 | Parliamentarian | Bill Couch |
Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District
1988-1989 | President | Richard Bowers | North Plains GCD #2 |
1988-1989 | Vice President | Mark Hoelscher | Permian Basin UWCD |
1988-1989 | Treasurer | Gary Walker | Panhandle GCD #3 |
1988-1989 | Secretary | Becca Williams | High Plains UWCD |