Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is comprised of TAGD’s elected officers, the immediate past President, and one member elected from each TAGD area that is not represented by another member of the Executive Committee. It has the power to fill vacancies of officers, represent TAGD during the legislative session, gather information and make decisions for TAGD as directed by the membership, review, adopt, and take action on financial matters, and perform other duties and responsibilities deemed necessary by the membership. Find out more about TAGD areas here.
- President – David Bailey – Upper Carrizo
- Vice-President – Doug Shaw – North Texas
- Treasurer – Janet Guthrie – Ogallala
- Secretary – Stephanie Keith – North Texas
- Parliamentarian – Kelley Cochran – Edwards Carrizo
- Past-President – Amber Blount – Ogallala
- Haley Davis – Far West Texas
- David Mauk – Lower Edwards Trinity
- Diana Thomas – Upper Edwards Trinity
- Zach Holland – Upper Gulf Coast
- Andy Garza – Lower Gulf Coast
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee includes the current president and the two immediate past presidents. Members of the Nominating Committee are ineligible to run for office in the upcoming election, and nominations are solicited from the membership at large.
- David Bailey
- Amber Blount
- Zach Holland
By-Laws Committee
The Bylaws Committee reviews and considers changes to TAGD bylaws, policies, and action plans; ensures that TAGD activities and programs operate within the established policy guidelines; and performs other duties and responsibilities deemed necessary by the membership.
- Chair: Kelley Cochran
- Janet Adams
- David Bailey
- Amber Blount
- Andy Garza
- Zach Holland
- Kathy Turner Jones
- Michael Redman
- Doug Shaw
- Lonnie Stewart
Finance & Budget Committee
The Finance and Budget Committee consists of the current treasurer, the Vice-President, and three TAGD members appointed by the President. This committee is responsible for formulating and presenting an annual budget for the fiscal year and providing for an audit of TAGD’s financial affairs as needed.
- Chair: Janet Guthrie
- David Bailey (non-voting)
- Doug Shaw
- Meredith Allen
- Neil Hudgins
- John Martin
Information & Education Committee
The Information & Education Committee is responsible for various public informational activities, including gathering information and formulating plans and programs to promote TAGD and its members, disseminating information to non-member districts and other potential members, maintaining a dialogue with the public and government officials to educate them on the benefits of groundwater conservation districts, and contacting districts that have been declared non-operational with an offer of support. This committee also works on gathering data and updating TAGD’s Groundwater Conservation District Index, creating educational resources for new GCDs and General Managers, and developing articles on popular issues. Italics indicate a non-voting associate member.
- Chair: Stephanie Keith
- Lori Barnes
- Amy Bush
- Michelle Cooper
- Carrie Dodson
- Corrina Fox
- Jill Garcia
- Kaylin Garcia
- Mike Gershon
- Ashley Greuter
- Payton Holtkamp
- Alyson McDonald
- Vanessa Puig-Williams
- Jennifer Smith
- Lynn Smith
- Laura Grable Thomas
- Jaclyn Wise
- Stephanie Wong
Legislative Committee
The Legislative Committee is responsible for informing the membership of relevant pending legislation. If possible, the committee will develop a position and act on such legislation with approval from the Executive Committee. This committee is also responsible for initiating legislative proposals, policies and resolutions for presentation to TAGD. If a district has more than one individual serving on the committee, only one member will get a vote. Italics indicate a non-voting associate member.
- Chair: Doug Shaw
- Dirk Aaron
- Janet Adams
- Meredith Allen
- Gary Ashmore
- David Bailey
- Lori Barnes
- Bobby Bazan
- Amber Blount
- Leon Braden
- Britney Britten
- Amy Bush
- Cindy Cawley
- Jason Coleman
- Alan Day
- Carrie Dodson
- Bill Dugat
- Ty Edwards
- Greg Ellis
- Ty Embrey
- Kristen Fancher
- Debbie Farmer
- Charlie Flatten
- Marc Friberg
- Jill Garcia
- Andy Garza
- Mike Gershon
- Jorge Gonzalez
- Janet Guthrie
- Hayli Hernandez
- Jacob Hernandez
- Vic Hilderbran
- Genell Hobbs
- Zach Holland
- Robert Howard
- Monica Jacobs
- Corey Jones
- Kathy Turner Jones
- Stephanie Keith
- Sarah Kirkle
- Sarah Kouba
- Erik Kubinski
- Megan Lamb
- Angela Lance
- Amanda Maloukis
- John Martin
- Laura Martin
- Ashley Masters
- Dave Mauk
- Trey Mixon
- Monique Norman
- Louie Pena
- Christa Perry
- Vanessa Puig-Williams
- Michael Redman
- Stacey Reese
- Cole Ruiz
- Kyle Russell
- Bobby Salehi
- Kodi Sawin
- Paul Sigle
- Brian Sledge
- Shauna Sledge
- Lynn Smith
- Lonnie Stewart
- Yolanda Tapia
- Aarin Teague
- Diana Thomas
- Laura Thomas
- Micah Voulgaris
- Patrick Wagner
- JJ Weatherby
- Gary Westbrook
- Whitney Wiebe
- Slate Williams
- Jaclyn Wise
Conference Planning Committee
The Conference Planning Committee assists TAGD and its partners in planning, organizing, and producing our annual Texas Groundwater Summit. Italics indicate a non-voting associate member.
- Chair: TAGD Staff
- Dirk Aaron
- David Bailey
- Lori Barnes
- Amber Blount
- Britney Britten
- Vince Clause
- Alan Day
- Ty Embrey
- Zach Holland
- Mike Keester
- Ashley Masters
- Vanessa Puig-Williams
- Michael Redman
- Lynn Smith
- JJ Weatherby
- Whitney Wiebe